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所在位置: 首頁 — iOS軟件 — 軟件應用 — 休閑娛樂  —  放松鬧鐘

放松鬧鐘  2.2

  • 軟件授權: 免費軟件
  • 軟件大?。? 78.6 MB
  • 軟件評分:
  • 軟件類型: 國產軟件
  • 更新時間: 2017-08-07
  • 應用平臺: ios
  • 軟件語言: 中文
  • 版      本: 2.2


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Do you know that human beings spend a third of their lives sleeping?Inspired by the benefits of light therapy, this revolutionary alarm clock uses a unique combination of light and sound to wake you up and lull you to sleep gently. Our sleep is precious and has an impact on our mental health, so let us preserve it!Thanks to this "3 in 1" application, you will be able to get round the issue of lack of light that weakens you, restore your biological clock, and in this way regain energy and vitality.**ALARM MODE ** Allow yourself to be woken up gently by this technique of dawn simulation. Program the beginning of your waking and the time you wish to get up so that you may enjoy waking up smoothly. A varied choice of atmosphere is accessible to you.**SLEEP MODE **Fall asleep peacefully in order that your sleep should be as restorative as possible. Choose the sound that will rock you best to guide you in the arms of Morpheus **RELAX MODE**When stress affects your health, a little relaxation session is a must.Choose a video that will give off an image sound that will immerse you in a Zen and peaceful world.Scientifically known for its virtues on the body and general well-being, light therapy offers many positive effects on people with: seasonal depression, fatigue, stress, blues, eating disorders, joint pain, jet lag, biological clock malfunction, and lack of daylight.Warning: This application is exclusively for personal use, and should be used mainly for entertainment and relaxation purposes. In no case should this application be a substitute for medical treatment.

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放松鬧鐘 2.2
